
Embutido is a delicious Filipino meatloaf that is typically made with pork, chorizo, and raisins. Each time I have tried any rendition of embutido in the past, I always felt that it was too sweet for my liking. I’ve opted to use barberries (used in many Iranian dishes) in this recipe instead of raisins since they are tart, not too sweet, and lower in carbs. If you don’t mind the sweetness and carbs or find it hard to find barberries, feel free to use raisins or dried cranberries instead. You’ll be doing yourself and your tastebuds a huge favor if you reserve the pan juices after baking to spoon over the top of the cut meatloaf when you are ready to eat.

Watch how I make this on Instagram.





  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Soft boil 4 eggs for 6-8 minutes. Peel and set aside.
  3. In a food processor, pulse together: ground beef, 1 egg, garlic, parmesan cheese, and Worcestershire sauce.
  4. In a large bowl, combine meat mixture with softened butter, chopped olives, pickles, barberries or raisins.
  5. In the bottom of a greased or silicone loaf pan, add about half of the meat mixture. Next, lay out a row of the soft boiled eggs, lengthwise on top. Finally, cover the the eggs with the remaining meat mixture, softly packing it into the pan.
  6. Bake embutido for about 40 minutes. After baking, let it sit to cool in the pan for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, remove from the pan to cool for another 10-15 minutes. Reserve the juices from the pan before cutting.
  7. Carefully cut the embutido crosswise and spoon over the pan juices before serving. Top with flakey salt. Enjoy!