Keto Takoyaki

I first had takoyaki in Osaka years ago and ever since, it’s been one of my favorite Japanese dishes. They’re octopus balls that are usually made in a special cast iron pan or electric griddle, but I didn’t have one, nor did I want to buy that pan for this single use purpose. Instead of the pan, I just used a silicone baking sheet with ball-shaped molds. If you don’t have a ball-shaped silicone baking sheet, try using a greased mini muffin tin, a waffle iron, or a mini ice cream scooper to scoop the batter onto a baking sheet. If you go the mini ice cream scooper route, I’d just try reducing the water needed for a thicker batter. You can also bypass all the fancy gadgetry and just use the same ingredients to make pancakes.

I made the takoyaki keto friendly by using Birch Benders keto pancake mix.

Watch how I make this on Instagram.

Keto Takoyaki

Keto Takoyaki



  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, mix together water, pancake mix, octopus, scallions, and red ginger.
  3. Fill baking greased mold/waffle iron/muffin tin with octopus mixture.
  4. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until slightly brown.
  5. Let cool before popping out of mold/tin and place on a cast iron or baking sheet. If you are using a waffle iron, you can skip step 6.
  6. Brush tops of takoyaki with a little oil and broil on high for about 4-5 minutes or until golden brown.
  7. To make the takoyaki sauce, whisk together soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, and barbecue sauce.
  8. Assemble the takoyaki! Place takoyaki on a serving dish and drizzle takoyaki sauce.
  9. Drizzle kewpie mayonnaise and top with bonito flakes.