Cassava Cake

This is a riff on my mom’s cassava cake recipe, which she would usually make for parties to feed an entire army. This version serves about 6-8 people, which is still size-able. All of these ingredients can be found in your Asian grocery store. I’ve never messed with grating my own fresh cassava simply because I’ve only seen my mom make this cake with frozen cassava. Fresh cassava could work, but I feel like you should just trust my mom.

Cassava Cake

Cassava Cake



  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together coconut milk, sweetened condensed milk, cassava, egg, and rice flour.
  3. Line a 8-10 inch tart/pie pan or 8x8 casserole dish with banana leaves or parchment paper.
  4. Pour batter inside pan. Scatter macapuno strings on top of the batter.
  5. Bake for 60-70 minutes or until the top of the cake is golden brown. Let cool before slicing.