Mille Fuelle Nabe “Thousand Leaves” Hot Pot

Mille Fuelle Nabe “Thousand Leaves” Hot Pot

Mille Fuelle Nabe “Thousand Leaves” Hot Pot



  1. Cut the 1/2 head of naba cabbage lengthwise in half.
  2. Lifting each leaf layer, lay 1-2 pieces of pork belly in between the leaves. Continue until there is no pork left.
  3. Cut each pork belly filled cabbage quarter into thirds, crosswise.
  4. In a 2 quart pot, scatter ginger.
  5. Arrange the layered cabbage pieces on top of the ginger inside the pot.
  6. In a small bowl, whisk together soy sauce, sake, Hondashi, and water. Pour mixture over the cabbage. Optional: bury mushrooms and green onions in between the cabbage.
  7. On medium low heat, cover pot and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until pork is fully cooked and cabbage is tender.
  8. Eat with rice and enjoy!