Bacon Jalapeño Cheese Cups

This is a cuter take on my jalapeño poppers.

Bacon Jalapeño Cheese Cups

Bacon Jalapeño Cheese Cups



  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
  2. In a pan on medium high heat, cook the cut bacon pieces until crispy. Set aside to drain on a paper towel.
  3. In the same pan, sauté sliced jalapeños until softened. Set aside.
  4. Make the cheese cups. On a nonstick silicone mat on a baking sheet, scoop about 1 tablespoon of shredded cheese about 1 inch apart and flatten with your hand.
  5. Put cheese in oven and check in 5 minute increments until the cheese has melted and the edges are slightly brown. Let cool for about 2 minutes.
  6. Working quickly, while the cheese is still warm from the oven and pliable, form the cheese cups with a mini muffin tin. Using a metal spatula, remove the cheese from the baking sheet and place in the cups of the muffin tin. Use your hands to press the edges around the inside of cup. Let cool.
  7. Make the filling. In a large bowl, mix together bacon, cream cheese, sour cream, and garlic powder.
  8. Fill the cups with the bacon mixture and top with a jalapeño slice or more. Keep in the muffin tin to cool.
  9. Top with chicharrones and chives (optional). Remove cups from the muffin tin just before serving and enjoy!